Health & Wellness

Why You Can’t Sleep At Night And What You Can Do About It

Have you ever noticed what happens when you go to bed without resolving a real or imagined conflict with someone? Your mind won’t stop rehashing what you could have or should have said. Your heart can help.

“Wherever you go, go with all your heart” – Confucius

While world events are happening at a dizzying rate, more and more people are awakening to the need for positive change that represents the kindest aspects of humanity. Read More

It’s Time for Self-Care

True self-care is important for maintaining balance and well-being. More people are now recognizing that self-care is not a luxury — rather it is a necessity. Read More

Whisper Thoughts and Feelings

We all have them – those subtle whisper thoughts that constantly stream through our awareness. Many come and go quickly, […] Read More

Stress Facts

Understanding stress can help us know when and how to take proactive steps to reduce and prevent stress. More stress awareness helps us better care for family, friends and colleagues, as well as ourselves. Here are a few less commonly known stress facts. Read More

Overcoming Anxiety – Jennifer’s Story

It’s interesting how things sneak up on you isn’t it? For several years now I’ve been dealing with anxiety. But I never admitted it to anyone, not even myself. Read More

Raising Our Vibration in the New Year — It’s Time for a Reset

It’s obvious that we cannot create solutions from the same level of consciousness that’s creating the problems. Raising our consciousness for drawing in effective solutions starts with lifting our personal vibration. Read More

Why is the heart brain connection so important?

The quality of communication between the heart and brain is increasingly being recognized as key to our ability to perform at our best. Watch this video with Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., Director of Research of the HeartMath Institute to learn why this is so important. Read More

How Stress Affects the Body

Understanding the mechanics of stress gives you the advantage of being more aware of and sensitive to your own level of stress and knowing when and how to take proactive steps. This increased awareness also helps you to better care for your family, friends and colleagues. Read More

Creating a Counterbalance: How to Change Stressful Perceptions and Reactions with Inner Ease

Science has shown that positive emotions can help shift and replace our stress-producing feelings and perceptions. This serves to counterbalance the depleting effects from our stressful reactions and also positively affects our psychological and physiological levels. Read More

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