Uncover what your heart is capable of.
Today’s Stress Is Different – What Can Help? By Deborah Rozman, Ph.D., and Jorina Elbers, M.D. Cultivating a new ability […]
Did you ever have a day when you woke up feeling out of sorts, grumpy, or maybe a bit blah and low on energy? This is what HeartMath calls “modulation days.” Everyone has them. This isn’t necessarily a cause for concern or a sign that something is “wrong.” We don’t have to feel bad about these natural ebbs and flows in our emotional rhythms.
We all can make a difference by energizing the global heart awakening. This can help shift the trajectory of separation and hate with the transformative power of love and kindness. The increasing political and societal polarization creating separation, even among friends and family members, is calling for us to better understand each other’s needs and concerns. Deeper listening with care can help with this.
Compassionate latitude is a powerful combination of important heart qualities. Compassion involves caring for others amidst their challenges, while latitude gives allowance for those “human” moments when people may not be at their best. When we apply compassionate latitude especially in times of busyness and tension, it creates a warm-hearted connection where we all feel more at ease, accepted and cared for. We invite you to watch our video for a deeper understanding of compassionate latitude and how to apply it in your life for maximum benefit.
Love as intelligence is a synergy of heart and mind, expanding perception and higher cognitive faculties. It’s not just about feeling love but about practicing love in ways that are beneficial both for ourselves and others. It’s understanding that practicing love in the form of heart qualities, such as patience, kindness, forgiveness, compassion, gratitude, and more, is highly intelligent.
Out with the old / In with the new is not just for the new year. It’s how we can create a new and better life. Within the process of moving from old to new, many of us are experiencing old issues we thought we’d healed or cleared coming up again.
As we pause at times during the day to radiate our heart’s care and compassion to all the people suffering in Gaza and Israel and in the Russia-Ukraine war, we can wonder how much of a difference are we making and how else can we help the world. You’re not alone if you feel discouraged at times. With all the intensities going on, one after another, it can look like the world is falling into disarray. It’s important that we remember there’s a Shift happening on the planet. Old repressed energies have to come to the surface to release, or there wouldn’t be a Shift. It’s clearing the old to make room for the new.