Health & Wellness

Why You Can’t Sleep At Night And What You Can Do About It

Have you ever noticed what happens when you go to bed without resolving a real or imagined conflict with someone? Your mind won’t stop rehashing what you could have or should have said. Your heart can help.

Special Care Focus: Coronavirus (Technique for Reducing and Overcoming Fear)

Transform the intensity of personal fear into a more grounded attitude and feeling of managed concern, which, unlike fear, connects us more deeply to our heart’s intuitive discernment. Read More

Compassionate Latitude: The need of the times

Life seems to be calling on us to have more compassionate latitude for each other and for ourselves during these […] Read More

The Inside Job of Creating Peace – by Doc Childre

When we create alignment between the heart, mind and emotions, we lift our vibration above much of the stress going on and choose attitudes that create more inner peace and “flow” in our daily routines. Read More

What’s Streaming through Your Mind?

We’re all streaming content these days, whether it be a movie on our computer, a podcast on our phone, or the ideas streaming through our heads. We can choose the external content we want to focus on. But what about the streaming content inside? Read More

Solution for Overcoming Anxiety

Learn to stop feeding anxious feelings, create new emotional patterns and behaviors and replace the negative ones that have been draining your energy and spirit. Read More

How I Healed my Anxiety Naturally

​Before Heart Coherence, I was living in a state of constant dissonance. Dissonance means imbalance or disharmony. When you’re in this state, you are most likely in a state of fight or flight, so your body can’t relax. Read More

Women and Stress

It has often been shown that women are the worriers and often do not make time to manage their health and take care of themselves. The infographic shows what effects stress can have on women and offers effective strategies that can help them reduce the negative effects of everyday stressors. Read More

How A Pause Can Save The Day

Pausing to feel our heart’s suggestions can deter many energy-draining standoffs with others, often with people we care about the most. We can proactively avoid these repeating, uncomfortable situations and regrets. Read More

New Guided Heart Meditations

We have recently created some Guided Heart Meditations and Talks to enrich your practice. We have also created an Inner Balance video tour to introduce you to the features and functions on the Inner Balance. Read More

Is it Possible to Care Too Much? Understanding How to Care Without It Becoming a Source of Your Stress

Caring for someone else gives us a sense of wholeness — it’s an extension of our love. As good as it feels to care for someone or something, for many people it can also become a source of stress and emotional chaos that leaves them feeling mentally and emotionally drained. Read More

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