Meditation & Spirituality

Inner Stillness by Doc Childre

Inner stillness creates an energetic environment for unleashing the transformational power of our love.

Compassionate Latitude: The need of the times

Life seems to be calling on us to have more compassionate latitude for each other and for ourselves during these […] Read More

The Inside Job of Creating Peace – by Doc Childre

When we create alignment between the heart, mind and emotions, we lift our vibration above much of the stress going on and choose attitudes that create more inner peace and “flow” in our daily routines. Read More

How A Pause Can Save The Day

Pausing to feel our heart’s suggestions can deter many energy-draining standoffs with others, often with people we care about the most. We can proactively avoid these repeating, uncomfortable situations and regrets. Read More

“Wherever you go, go with all your heart” – Confucius

While world events are happening at a dizzying rate, more and more people are awakening to the need for positive change that represents the kindest aspects of humanity. Read More

It’s Time for Self-Care

True self-care is important for maintaining balance and well-being. More people are now recognizing that self-care is not a luxury — rather it is a necessity. Read More

Renewing Heart Qualities By Doc Childre

One of the most regenerating actions we can do is to renew or increase our practice of heart qualities, such as genuine kindness, gratitude, sincere listening, forgiveness, compassion, and more. Read More

Raising Our Vibration in the New Year — It’s Time for a Reset

It’s obvious that we cannot create solutions from the same level of consciousness that’s creating the problems. Raising our consciousness for drawing in effective solutions starts with lifting our personal vibration. Read More

Why is the heart brain connection so important?

The quality of communication between the heart and brain is increasingly being recognized as key to our ability to perform at our best. Watch this video with Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., Director of Research of the HeartMath Institute to learn why this is so important. Read More

New Science! It’s Not Just the World Wide Web That Connects Us.

“I believe humanity is at a unique point in its evolutionary history of consciousness. We now have an opportunity and the intelligence to make more empowered choices to create a cooperative and harmoniously connected world.” — Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., HeartMath Institute Read More

Emotional Composure Through Waves of Change

For every one of us, change is an inescapable part of life. It can be exciting, and it can be challenging to our comfort zones, creating disruption, anxiety and overwhelm. Read More

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