Key aspects to look for in an employee wellness program

As the popularity of wellness initiatives rises, so does the number of programs available. As as result, financial coaching company LFE Institute gave their recommendations of things to look for when choosing an effective employee wellness program.

Initiatives should provide clear problem-solving techniques and ideas. Specific solutions to problems like workplace stress are key to a successful initiative.

They should also engage employees with interactive workshops or coaching sessions. Research has shown that individuals are more apt to learn if they are engaged in an activity, compared to listening to a lecture or reading materials.

A good employee wellness program will provide measurable results. Showing a person their progress is an effective way to keep them using an initiative.

The company reported that educational interventions should be simple and not time-consuming. After all, a stressed-out worker typically already has enough on their plate.

Employee wellness programs designed by HeartMath’s team of scientists and experts have been shown to provide results, engage workers, teach healthy stress relief techniques and are easy to use.

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