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Media Contact: Gabriella Boehmer
(831) 338-8710 or MediaRequests@heartmath.com

In Light of the Recent Natural Disasters throughout the U.S. and Abroad, HeartMath is Offering Free Resources to Help

Boulder Creek, California – September 14, 2017 – In light of the recent natural disasters, the HeartMath® Inc. organization announced today that they are offering free emotional support resources in hopes that it will encourage people along the way as we work through this challenging time. The resources can be downloaded from their website with the links provided below.

Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma have left behind levels of destruction that many are still trying to wrap their minds around. These super-sized hurricanes, the countless wildfires across the U.S. and abroad, and the mammoth sized 8.1 earthquake in Mexico have exhausted many people’s mental and emotional stamina.

“When significant events happen, like what we’ve seen recently, our stress tolerance level depletes from the initial shock and the ongoing anxiety and emotional pain people are experiencing,” said Deborah Rozman, Ph.D., President of HeartMath Inc.

A behavioral psychologist, Rozman, added, “Many people are experiencing unprecedented levels of stress, uncertainty and overwhelm. Being displaced is tough enough, but many have lost everything except their lives- and in some cases, are feeling the traumas of others in addition to their own.”

Experts say that a lot of emotions are triggered following natural disasters. At first there is shock and disbelief and then as reality starts to sink in they may feel confused, angry or irritable.

“An array of feelings will surface, which is why tools that can ease the rollercoaster of emotions are so critical right now, said Rozman. This is why we want to offer free resources that can help,” she added.

With over 300 independent peer-reviewed studies, HeartMath Inc. and the not for profit HeartMath Institute are recognized worldwide for their research and scientifically validated methods for reducing stress, anxiety and overwhelm while helping to restore inner balance, self-security, resilience and a sense of well-being.

“There is much support needed now and in the months to come,” commented Rozman. “It is heart-warming to see so many people reaching out to help. People of different races, ethnicities and beliefs are putting all that aside to step forward with care and compassion for each other, their neighbors and communities. I believe, we will all grow stronger from this, she added.”

Resources for Adults from HeartMath Inc.:

The free emotional support resources for adults and children being offered by HeartMath can be downloaded at www.heartmath.com/freeresources.

This care package includes e-books and audio booklets as well as a video guide to walk people through a scientifically validated technique developed by HeartMath called the Quick Coherence® technique.

Chubu University in Kasugai, Japan is working with HeartMath and their Certified Trainers to employ the Quick Coherence® technique to help anxious children and adults that have been enduring PTSD symptom ever since Japan’s massive 9.0 earthquake in 2011. These validated methods have been employed for disaster relief in many devastated areas – from helping Katrina survivors to people that endured the flooding in Alberta, Canada to adult and children refugees in Lebanon.


About HeartMath
HeartMath Inc., provides science-based programs and technologies to improve health and well-being, while dramatically reducing stress and boosting performance and productivity. Based on more than 25 years of research, and more than 250 independent peer-reviewed studies, the HeartMath System is recommended by thousands of health professionals. HeartMath’s programs are used by hundreds of hospitals, schools, corporations and humanitarian organizations. Their clients include Duke Medicine, Veteran Administration Hospitals and Clinics, Stanford Business School, Stanford Hospital and Kaiser Permanente. HeartMath was the first recipient of the American Institute of Stress (AIS) Award for Distinction and Innovation. This award is granted to products and services that have been formally evaluated and validated as effective by AIS. HeartMath has a thriving community on Facebook (www.facebook.com/heartmath) where people from around the world come to enjoy daily posts with the latest HeartMath news and uplifting content.

About the HeartMath Institute®:
The HeartMath Institute, www.heartmath.org, founded in 1991 by Doc Childre, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit research and education organization and is a world leader in stress reduction and emotion management research. For more than two decades HMI has researched and developed reliable, scientifically based tools and programs through its research and education divisions that bridge the connection between heart and mind and deepen people’s heart connection with themselves and others. The HeartMath methodologies offer hope of new and effective solutions for the many daunting problems that face society by restoring mental, emotional and physical balance and maximizing every individual’s potential