Quantum Intech (dba HeartMath Inc) is actively seeking strategic partnerships with world–class organizations that share our passion for helping individuals and organizations reduce their stress levels, live with greater coherence, and function at a high level of performance and health.
Partner Companies: Quantum Intech’s patented technologies and proprietary HeartMath® System, created by stress researcher Doc Childre, are distributed through three different companies with one common vision: to reduce stress, improve health and sustain high performance. Additional companies have joined the core group for licensed activities in Europe and Asia.

The HeartMath Institute(HMI), founded in 1991, is a nonprofit research and educational organization. IHM conducts research on the relationship between the heart, brain and nervous system and how this relationship impacts health and performance. IHM also develops educational curricula for children from preschool through college. IHM provides programs to improve test-taking results, to help students with ADHD and learning disabilities learn emotional self–regulation, and to enhance overall student performance. IHM has exclusively licensed the HeartMath System, techniques and brand name to Quantum Intech, Inc. Visit www.heartmath.org.
HeartMath LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Quantum Intech, offers training and consulting services that remarkably boost individual and organizational health and performance. HeartMath LLC, a QI licensee, provides cutting-edge scientifically validated training programs and services that quantifiably—and reliably—improve the health and performance of people in organizations while dramatically reducing debilitating stress. HeartMath learning solutions produce measurable and sustainable results in increased job satisfaction, lowered turnover and lowered health care payout. The organization’s ROI from using HeartMath services, whether a Fortune 100 company or hospital, goes straight to its bottom-line, improving profitability and shareholder value. HeartMath LLC also offers train-the-trainer programs to organizations, one-on-one provider programs to licensed health professionals, and books, tapes and learning products to consumers.
Quantum Intech, Inc. (QI), started in 2002, is a technology licensing and manufacturing company. QI develops, licenses, manufactures and distributes biometric and emotion-regulated technology products. QI owns the patents on the emWave® Coherence System and the worldwide exclusive license to the HeartMath system from IHM. QI licenses its technology solutions to world-class strategic partners.
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