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(831) 338-8710 or MediaRequests@heartmath.com

HeartMath®’s Work Reaches Impressive Milestone

Hundreds of Independent Research Teams Using HeartMath Methodologies to Substantiate New Research

January 8, 2018 – Boulder Creek, California – HeartMath® Inc. and the HeartMath Institute have played an important role in science and technology by helping to establish how heart rate variability (HRV) coherence improves cognitive functions and facilitates self-regulation, emotional well-being, health and sports performance. Recently, a collective and impressive milestone was reached. Over 300 publications including published research papers, dissertations and reports have been produced, many by independent research teams using HeartMath methodologies and technologies.

Many of these independent studies confirm or reference the original heart rate variability coherence research conducted by the HeartMath Institute. “We are genuinely honored that the HeartMath Institute’s research and the collective HeartMath work is recognized by the scientific and technology communities as a substantiated platform to build from,” said Deborah Rozman, Ph.D, President of HeartMath Inc. “HeartMath is helping to set an industry-wide standard for stress and HRV technologies and apps for the Consumer Technology Association (CTA) Stress Standards Committee for the Consumer Electronic Show (CES), underscoring the value of HeartMath research, methods, and interventions.”

Many of the independent research teams utilize various research-based HeartMath techniques and HRV coherence technologies in a wide range of applications. This includes many peer-reviewed papers authored by independent researchers.

These research studies address topics such as physician and nurse stress, reducing violence, reducing health costs, emotional regulation, addiction recovery, trauma interventions, HRV coherence biofeedback for stress management, academic performance in children of different ages, PTSD, intuition, and much more.

Some highlights from these publications:

Building Personal and Professional Resources of Resilience and Agility in the Healthcare Workplace describes a successful study at the Mayo Clinic with healthcare leaders and oncology staff.

A controlled pilot study of stress management training of elderly patients with congestive heart failure was conducted by Dr. Fred Luskin of Stanford University and published in Preventative Cardiology. The study demonstrated both physical and emotional improvements.

Reducing Situational Violence in Low‐Income Couples by Fostering Healthy Relationships is by John Gottman’s well known relationships team.

Coherence Training in Children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder reports significant improvements in both cognitive functioning and social behavior.

This growing body of work illustrates how the HeartMath methodologies are effective across a wide range of populations, including SWAT officers, nurses, children from preschool through high school, college students, individuals with ADHD, AIDS sufferers, veterans and corporate executives. In nearly all cases, applying HeartMath methods resulted in significant improvements in reduced stress and improved health and wellbeing.

“For me personally, this collective milestone illustrates not only the benefits of HRV coherence feedback technology to enhance self-regulation and emotional control, but also speaks to the need for more scientifically validated methods and technologies that guide people into a balanced, internally coherent state. This is how people can learn how to more quickly make and sustain needed behavior changes or improved health,” said Rozman. “Once people realize they can take charge of stress, anxiety and overwhelm, they live happier and more self-empowered lives.”

For information about the science behind the HeartMath methodologies visit the science page of the HeartMath website.

For a more comprehensive overview of HeartMath research, download the nonprofit HeartMath Institute Research Center’s e-book, The Science of the Heart.


About HeartMath
HeartMath Inc., provides science-based programs and HRV technologies to improve health and well-being while dramatically reducing stress and boosting performance and productivity. These HRV technologies include the Inner Balance™ Trainer, emWave® 2, emWave Pro and emWave Pro + with HRV assessments. The HeartMath System, based on more than 25 years of research, and peer-reviewed studies, and is recommended by thousands of health professionals world-wide. HeartMath is used in hundreds of hospitals, schools, corporations and humanitarian organizations. Their clients include Duke Medicine, Veteran Administration Hospitals and Clinics, Stanford Business School, Stanford Hospital and Kaiser Permanente. HeartMath was the first recipient of the American Institute of Stress (AIS) Award for Distinction and Innovation. This award is granted to products and services that have been formally evaluated and validated as effective by AIS. HeartMath has a thriving community on Facebook (www.facebook.com/heartmath) where people from around the world come to enjoy daily posts with the latest HeartMath news and uplifting content.

About the HeartMath Institute ®:
The HeartMath Institute, www.heartmath.org, founded in 1991 by Doc Childre, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit research and education organization and is a world leader in stress reduction and emotion management research. For more than two decades HMI has researched and developed reliable, scientifically based tools and programs through its research and education divisions that bridge the connection between heart and mind and deepen people’s heart connection with themselves and others. The HeartMath methodologies offer hope of new and effective solutions for the many daunting problems that face society by restoring mental, emotional and physical balance and maximizing every individual’s potential.