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Media Contact: Gabriella Boehmer
(831) 338-8710 or [email protected]

HeartMath® Inc.’s HRV Platform Solutions Available for Licensing

Leader in HRV data and research grows its footprint among chipset and consumer electronics manufacturers

Boulder Creek, California – December 16, 2014HeartMath® Inc., recognized as one of the world’s foremost authorities on stress, heart rate variability (HRV), heart coherence and the physiology of emotions, is now licensing its extensive HRV databases and algorithms to chipset manufacturers and consumer electronics companies. The licensing opportunities will enable HeartMath’s partners to offer its HRV solutions, tap into its HRV sensor knowledge, extensive research, as well as its normative HRV databases and algorithms for developing consumer products.

HRV is a powerful biometric that reflects the health of the autonomic nervous system and an individual’s mental and emotional flexibility and ability to handle stress challenges without getting overwhelmed. Accumulated stress can lower HRV and reflects accelerated aging.

Partner manufacturers can now integrate HeartMath’s library of current stress and chronic stress algorithms and solutions into their own chips, which are then used by consumer electronics manufacturers for licensing the functionality from HeartMath. The company’s platform technology can be used for a wide range of applications including the reduction of anxiety and stress, as well reaching optimal performance, and mental and emotional composure in high stress environments.

Major brands including Samsung, Qualcomm and Red Bull Media are already working with HeartMath, due to its expertise and depth of data for HRV assessments, monitoring and stress reduction training. Samsung is licensing HeartMath’s proprietary HRV database for its integrated mobile health S-health platform, which will provide users with the ability to assess stress levels, plan workouts and help with healthy eating choices. 

As a world leader in HRV, HeartMath Inc. and its sister research organization, the Institute of HeartMath, have spent over two decades researching and educating health professionals and consumers about HRV feedback and its vital role in stress management, emotional self-regulation and optimal performance training, as well as increasing vitality and resilience.  

HeartMath clinical studies have demonstrated the critical link between stressful emotions, heart function, and cognitive performance. This work has been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals that include the American Journal of Cardiology, Preventive Cardiology and the Journal of the American College of Cardiology among many others. HeartMath is also well-versed in the consumer products space. The company’s latest consumer product, Inner Balance trainer, is designed to reduce the negative effects of stress and increase personal performance and mental clarity. The app and HRV sensor train users to synchronize their breathing with their heart rhythms. This combined with a highly specialized emotion regulation technique trains users how to increase their HRV and access a high performance state called heart coherence. 58 percent of HeartMath technology users indicate utilizing the technology three to five times a week, even after owning the product for two years or more.

“By deploying our platform solutions to a multitude of licensing partners, HeartMath is able to take its normative databases, algorithms and technologies for helping individuals manage their health and wellness to the next level,” said President and CEO of HeartMath, Dr. Deborah Rozman. “Our extensive research into the powerful HRV biometric can play a vital role in helping consumers manage their health, and we are excited to see major brands recognizing the value of HRV in our everyday lives.”


For more information about HeartMath please visit www.heartmath.com.

Media Contacts

Gabriella “Gaby” Boehmer
(831) 338-8710
[email protected]
BLASTmedia for HeartMath
Taylor Harruff
(317) 806-1900 ext. 108
[email protected]

HeartMath is the first recipient of the American Institute of Stress (AIS) Award for Distinction and Innovation. This award is granted to products and services that have been formally evaluated and validated as effective by AIS.